Sunday, June 20, 2010

blog #415 >> Great Stuff at Mike's

As I have mentioned before, Mike's in Estacada is quite possibly the finest second hand store on Earth. It's like a museum where everything is for sale, and there's no telling what you might find there. Here are some of the remarkable finds I did NOT bring home last week:

This is the most amazing shoe shiner of all time. Just think of how new all of your shoes would look all of the time!

Your very own portrait of JFK, and I wish I had gotten the entire sign in the photo! Mike loves signs! This one says, "Why do dishonest people get visibly angry when you tell them the truth?" He also has a jar by the cash register that says, "If you don't think I charged you enough, you can pay for the difference here."

A gold duster! It will pay for itself!

The "long arm rocker." If anyone knows why it has such long arms I'd love to know!

The instant shire! Deity not included.

And a good old fashioned buggy for when the gas prices get to be too much.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love to go with you the next time you go to Mike's! I will totally buy you lunch :)